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To promote good student attendance, positive student behavior, and academic achievement throughout the school year, Eudora High School will implement the following incentive for students to earn:

  • Exemption from the spring semester final exams.
  • Early Dismissal from "CardinalTime" on district "Early Release" days (12:44 pm to 1:15 pm) (9 - ER Days)
  • Qualify to use district "Early Release" days to job shadow or visit area colleges (2nd Wednesday of the month)

SOAR rewards will be compiled on a weekly basis, and students will earn a SOAR Reward if:

  • The student has an ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ in all classes
  • The student has Zero tardiness in their classes
  • The student doesn't receive any office referrals (majors or minors)
  • The student doesn't miss scheduled makeup time established with the attendance secretary.

For a description of Final Exam Exemption and Early Release Days, please reference the EHS Handbook.

Breakdown of terms