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Graduation Requirements

Eudora High School requires 24 credits for graduation. Below is a list of the number of classes required in each subject area and what classes can be taken to fulfill the requirements.

  • 4 English: English I, English II, English III, English IV. JCCC dual-credit college classes English Composition I & English Composition II may be substituted for English III and English IV.
  • 3 Social Science: U.S. History (1), Government (1), World History (1)
  • 3 Math: Math I, Math II, Math III, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Statistics, PreCalculus (JCCC dual-credit option), College Algebra (JCCC dual-credit option), Calculus (JCCC dual-credit option).
  • 3 Science: Biology I, Physical Science, Earth Space Science, Chemistry I, Chemistry II, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology.
  • 2 Practical Arts: Credit will be selected from the following program areas: Business, Family and Consumer Science, Industrial Technology, or the EDTEC Career and Technical Education Pathways.  Personal Finance is required as 0.5 credit.
  • 1 PE/Health: PE/Health (1 semester each)
  • 1 Fine Art: Art, Band, Choir, Foreign Language (Spanish), or any of the Visual Arts Pathway courses.
  • 7 Electives
  • Starting with the class of 2022 - .5 credits of Personal Finance will be required for graduation. This will be counted toward the overall 2 credits needed in Practical Arts.

Online Resources

The Kansas Board of Regents Qualified Admissions Requirements - In the State of Kansas, students must meet specific requirements to be guaranteed admission to any of the six Kansas State universities.  The KBOR site has details on these requirements. Please note that the requirements to enter the University of Kansas exceed those of the other regents schools.

Kansas Scholars Curriculum - Students that wish to gain designation as a State Scholar must complete the curriculum listed.

College Sports Eligibility Requirements: